Half life source ultimate slow mo
Half life source ultimate slow mo

half life source ultimate slow mo

While held, Snarks have an unlimited lifespan, but still show aggressive tendencies (as two comical idle animations show one animation with the Snark struggling in Gordon's hand, and the other with it snapping at Gordon as he teases it with his finger). The player can obtain an egg sack containing 5 Snarks which can be used as weapons. The Snark emits a high-pitched squeak with each bite, which gets higher and higher in pitch the longer it stays in its 20-second "attack mode" before finally exploding. To add insult to injury, a snark will explode about 20 seconds after they start attacking, spraying acid everywhere. These bites are powerful, doing as much as 10 points of damage each and seriously injuring the player if they are not careful.

half life source ultimate slow mo

When their nest is threatened, Snarks will leap out and charge at their intruder, bouncing around madly and biting with their sharp beaks. The fleshy nests themselves are about the size of a road sign, and dark green with translucent red pods and four claw-like branches on each corner. They are social and highly territorial, making nests and protecting them at all costs. Snarks are small, beetle-like creatures with four legs, a single green eye, a parrot-like beak, two antennae and a thick, dark red, segmented shell.

  • 7.3 Dynamic Environmental Interaction demonstrational room.

  • Half life source ultimate slow mo